DTU, Lyngby:
Better overview and increased efficiency

The challenge?

DTU consists of more than 100 buildings, from laboratories to office buildings and classrooms. The section management needed a better overview of the critical alarms in the complex technical installations which are scattered out on many addresses – and from various suppliers. For instance, complex systems are one BMS system, one SCADA system, two ADK/AIA systems and one ABA system and finally one TVO system.

DTU in Lyngby lacked a broad view of things so the right persons could act when an alarm was activated.

The solution? 

AlarmDirector is a software solution which collects all DTU’s critical alarms in one place – across the existing systems and suppliers. It gives a better overview.
At the same time data are collected in one place for contact persons, lists of standby staff and instructions.
The interested parties can also subscribe to alarms. An IT manager may for instance subscribe to alarms from his/her server rooms or a researcher can be notified about alarms on a freezer with research results.

The value?

  • Fewer alarm errors and error calls.
  • More efficient and correct reactions to alarms.
  • Increased ownership with subject specialists and interested parties handling the alarm.

Please contact us if you want to hear more about how you with many buildings and installations can get fewer alarm errors, a better overview and a faster response time.

DTU, photo: Vibeke Hempler